I am often asked: “Steve, what do you recommend: a straight razor or a safety razor”
The first thing I will ask is how much time they want to spend shaving in the morning. For men that are always rushed and do not have allot of time, then the safety razor would be ideal. This is because it handles very much like a cartridge razor. There are a few subtle differences that you should be aware of.
A Safety Razor available in store.
First of all, a safety razor is a long term investment. Over time, you will save A LOT of money. Nowadays, the average cartridge pack can run upwards of 20-25$. As you may know, one cartridge lasts a few shaves, and then you need to replace it. After a while, this can really add up.
The replacement blades for a safety razor can cost as little as $3.99 per pack. If you invest in a platinum tipped blades, then they can last a little longer, which makes the savings even more profound.
Another similarity of the safety razor to the modern day cartridge razor is the ease of use. Once you have prepared your face with a good shaving soap, then shaving is almost the same. The biggest difference is that with a safety razor, it is important to apply LESS pressure. The blades are usually sharper, and pushing the razor into your skin will cause irritation and nicking.
Of course, if you are gentleman of greater leisure, you could forgo the safety razor for a straight razor. This is another animal entirely. The learning curve with the straight razor is much steeper. It normally takes a new shaver 6 months to feel comfortable shaving. Just make sure that you are well awake and have and at least one espresso before you get going. It would also be advisable to talk to us about training. We often train new shavers how to use a straight razor, which would be a wise investment.
Either way, the safety or the straight razor is a great option for men who want a more nostalgic (and less expensive) way to shave. Just make sure that you pick a razor that is best for your lifestyle. If you ever have any doubt about which one to pick, come on down to the store, and we can help you choose from our in store selection,
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